Master of rhetoric competition

On Thursday, November 13th, eight students from Gymnázium Myjava attended the 1st annual Master of Rhetoric Competition in Trenčín. There were seven students from Gymy’s Bilingual section and one student from the four-year program. These brave souls rose with the sun, boarded a bus, and headed to Trenčín, before most sane people even thought of getting out of their warm beds.

In preparation for the competition students prepared speeches to fulfill the first task of the competition, which was to be a spokesperson for their school. Our students did an outstanding job of presenting Gymy in all of its greatness. They spoke with confidence and pride for the school that they call home.

The second part of the completion required some quick thinking and wit. Our students didn’t disappoint. Students depending on their category were given tasks that required them to respond “on-the-fly” to a piece of media, and present it in a unique fashion. Ľuboš Rybnikár gave an especially memorable performance, by entering into a dialogue with an imaginary 11-year-old singer, that left the judges rolling in laughter.

Students were put into two categories depending on their class. Martin Krč from 1.B, Ivan Pančiak from 1. A, and Nina Súkupová from 2.B competed in the younger student’s category. Kristína Talábová and Nikoleta Allinová from 3.B, and Daniela Kročianová, Ľuboš Rybnikár and Jakub Barszcz from 4.B. competed in the older students category.

When students from Gymy are sent out to compete, you know they aren’t going to return home empty-handed. Both Martin Krč and Jakub Barszcz took 2nd place in their categories, and our other students weren’t far behind. There was no question about where those that represented Gymnázium Myjava at this competition were competing. They were all near the top. Thanks to the talent of our students, Gymy really “showed up.”

by Matt Haarman

Year 1, Issue 1