Matriculation 2014


Matriculation is the event where you have to prove, that you deserve to be a student at our Gymnazium . Older students, who dress up as scary characters, organize it. All the students who have just started attending this school are invited to take part in this event.


The whole day before the “scary afternoon“ each new student gets his own sign with something funny written on it and must wear it. It could be counted as an unfulfilled task if they refuse. It takes place in our school canteen. Each of the greenhorns are given many other tasks by their older schoolmates, which need to be carried out properly. And by going through all of these challenges they prove their devotion. At the end they swear and sign a document of commitment, that they will obey older students and teachers.

This year was great. The students from 3.A, 3.B and Septima wore pirates’ costumes. During the weeks leading up to the day of matriculation they gave some tasks to these tenderfeet and if they didn’t do them, they were later punished.     

The ´Big day’ came on October 23rd at 15.30 and in addition to the new students, many other schoolmates also came to encourage them. Some teachers came as well. This year was really “blessed“. There were around 100 new students who dared to come. We all had so much fun. Well, the new ones had to go through some embarrassing tasks. For example, licking Nutella from a diaper, brushing their partners´ teeth blindfolded or trying to take an apple from a pail full of water the help of their hands. At the end they enjoyed a disco.    

I think everybody had a great time and we look forward to next year’s matriculation.

by Mirka Račková

Year 1, Issue 1